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Check out plans for the campus refresh


Highlands Elementary is getting a campus refresh! You may have noticed some dust on the Bunker Hill side and that's because this summer we kicked off construction of the new Multi Purpose Room (MPR). As you can see from the rendering here, it's actually much more than a room though - the new MPR Building is a Measure T funded project that includes a large multi use room with stage, kitchen, servery, PE storage, PTA room, and restrooms. Adjacent terracing will provide seating that can be used as an outdoor classroom. Completion is expected in Summer 2024.


As part of the refresh, we are also getting: Turf Field (completion Summer 2024), Paving & Infrastructure (Summer 2023 & 2024), and Restroom Modernization (2023 - 2026).


Thanks for your patience through the construction - it will be worth it!


Lauren Edmondson on 8/2/2023 1:04 pm