Merchant Fundraising 
There is a great opportunity for our community to raise money for Highlands by doing what we already do – Shopping! Through fundraising programs like Amazon Smile, eScrip, eScrip Mall and Box Tops for Education, it’s now easier than ever to make a difference in our school community. Please sign up for the fundraising programs that benefit our school. Every little bit counts!
Sign Up. Shop. Earn!
Register your grocery club cards and credit/debit cards with and a percentage of all purchases made at eScrip merchants will be donated to Highlands. There is no cost to you and there are no fees to sign up.
Shop at Bianchini's, Draeger's or Mollie Stone?
Sign up & register your Club Card or Rewards Card. Shop as usual. Earn money for Highlands!
You can also earn at Piazza's, Lunardi's and more by registering your credit or debit card.
How do I get started?
Sign up for an account at
Register your store loyalty cards, phone numbers and/or debit andcredit cards. Registered cards are how you can raise money for the organizations you support. Shopping cards, like Community Cards, Club Cards or Rewards Cards track contributions from those merchants. Debit/Credit cards can earn at participating merchants that don't have a shopping card. See the full list of merchants for more information.
Choose your organization to support. Search for 'Highlands Elementary School PTA'. Make sure to choose the one in San Mateo (with the address on Newport!).
Please note that Safeway is not currently participating in the eScrip program.
Box Tops
Have you seen the pink “Box Tops For Education” labels on various products such as Ziploc bags, General Mills cereals, Kleenex tissues, and Gogurt?
Each one is worth $.10 for our school! There are hundreds of participating products, many of which you probably already have in your home. For a complete list of products, click here.
How do I get started?
- Clip your box tops OR scan your grocery receipt on the Box Tops app.
- Drop off any clipped box tops at Highlands in the BoxTops box in the office. Done!
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7
- Saturday, March 8