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Universal TK Expansion

Universal TK Expansion


SB 130 expanded Transitional Kindergarten (TK) eligibility to all four-year-olds by the 2025-2026 school year.  Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) eligibility will be rolled out according to the timeline below as set by the California Legislature.

  • From the 2014–15 school year to the 2021–22 school year, inclusive, a child who will have their fifth birthday between September 2 and December 2 shall be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program maintained by the school district or charter school.

  • In the 2022–23 school year, a child who will have their fifth birthday between September 2 and February 2 shall be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program maintained by the school district or charter school.

  • In the 2023–24 school year, a child who will have their fifth birthday between September 2 and April 2 shall be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program maintained by the school district or charter school.

  • In the 2024–25 school year, a child who will have their fifth birthday between September 2 and June 2 shall be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program maintained by the school district or charter school.

  • In the 2025–26 school year, and in each school year thereafter, a child who will have their fourth birthday by September 1 shall be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program maintained by the school district or charter school.

Enrollment Department Main Phone: 650-312-7345


More information here

Stephanie Boyer on 11/15/2022 4:39 pm