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Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!



Dear Highlands Elementary School Community,


Welcome back to Highlands Elementary School. A special welcome to those of you who are new to our school community! I hope you all enjoyed a restful summer break. This promises to be an exciting, successful, and rewarding school year. I encourage you to become actively involved in your child’s education. Please come to the school regularly, volunteer in your child’s classroom, attend our fabulous community activities, and join our PTA, ELAC, and School Site Council. Your presence and dedication to the school community is what makes Highlands a high quality public school program for all our students.  


Highlands is a very special community, our school is a wonderful place where we are able to provide a family-like atmosphere and seek to bring out the best in each child. Everyone at Highlands works hard to provide a rich learning environment for all children.  We encourage students to put forth their best efforts and believe that each student has unique talents that add to our school culture and community.  Our staff is continually learning and using teaching strategies based on the latest research about how children learn best. Instruction recognizes student differences, encourages respect and dignity in learning, and promotes life skills to ensure each student’s success as a life-long learner.  


As we prepare for the start of the 2023-2024 school year, it is important that we know if your plans for the upcoming school year have changed.  Only if your plans have changed, and your child will no longer be attending  Highlands, please contact our school office as soon as possible to let us know.  You can reach the Highlands office at: 650-312-7544. 


We are looking forward to a wonderful start to the school year. 




Ms. Carrie Betti, Principal





Lauren Edmondson on 8/2/2023 11:26 am